Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Final Draft

This is my final draft, with all the final touches made to it but rendered in a low quality format.

Chosen Music

For the establishing scenes I used: Suikoden:"Rock, Rock" which I found playing an old school playstation game. The music that it was originally for was used for a happy village scene - which I thought sounded quite quirky, setting the mood for the girl orange being a little bit cheeky and waking up the boy orange so she could flirt with him. I thought it set the obvious mood quite well.

For the'Next Day' and 'Cheating' scenes I used: Suikoden: "Suspicion" not only does the music suit the scenes the title of the song fits perfectly. I decided have a sharp change over as there was no transition fade in the animation so I wanted there to be none with the audio as well. I initially wanted to carry of 'Rock, Rock" right through till OrangeB got through the door, but decided against it as using 'Suspicion' from the start of the scene, I believe, would build the suspension that 'something' was going to happen.

For the actual knocking I used a small audio clip that I found to put emphasis on the knocking.

For the last senes of the animation, I chose the song: Suikoden: "Reminiscence" which I think sets the mood perfectly. I begin it on the last shot in 'Cheating' as OrangeB's lips quiver as he fights back tears, and use it all the way through till the credits. It was originally used in the game I played for a scene of death which is reflected back onto my animation when OrangeB contemplates / actions suicide.

All the audio that I have used I have extracted from an old school (1998) Playstation game: "Suikoden"

A screenshot of the music that I worked on merging together in Garage Band.

Development - Finals

My second attempt at rendering the file, I have put up the quality settings and it's really noticeable which is great. I'll finish off the final touches of the movie and render another final draft to just test it.

Development - Finals

First attempt at saving final draft. This is not the finished movie as there are still some touch ups to be done, but I decided to test out what it will look like when I render it. I've rendered the quality down a bit too much, but i'm happy that the song plays how it should, because when it played in after effects it seemed to have slowed it down and the timings were off which I wasn't too happy about, but happy it flows together now.

Development - Music

These are some audio tracks that I've been exploring, looking to use for my animation. I've decided to go to the orchestral side of things and the best kind of audio for that is found in Games & Movies - which both have music that really affects the movie and the audiences feelings, so most of the music I have looked at are from Games & movies apart from one.

Suikoden: Rock, Rock

Suikoden: Suspicion

Wiz Khalifa: WTF

Suikoden: Reminiscence

Suikdoen: Reminiscence Piano

FFX: Opening Theme

FFX: Sad Violin

The Notebook Soundtrack: Main Title by Aaron Zigman

Travie McCoy ft. Bruno Mars: Billionaire Instrumentals


Some slight changes that I made to the story - with the heart that appears when the oranges are established that they are 'in love' I've enlarged the heart and used a 'burn' technique to fade into the next scene: 'Next Day'.


Using my chosen font on the establishing shot, i've taken out the eyes of OrangeG and slightly darkened the background using the 'burn' tool, to make the foreground stand out more. - I have also decided to add the 'starring cast' in the bottom left corner.

Title Concepts

Some exploration of fonts that I could use for the title of my animation: 'How to make real orange juice'.
My chosen font is at the bottom of the list - I like the font because it reminds me of a classic kind of 'comic' font, like the 'POW' and 'KABOOM' type ones you would see in the comics, I think it gives the animation a subtle touch of humor to it with the quirky kind of font. It looked really plain when I just used the font in a plain colour in the corner, so I tried out a few different ways of putting the font and thought it looked quite nice kind of chopping it in half and overlapping them and inverting the colours so it's easy to read.

Some examples of the text that I use in my animation, i've tried to keep them all in union by using the same fonts, and in the same sort of 'way' - witht he inverted, slapped over each other kind of look.

New Storyboard

After taking all the photos that I thought I needed for the stop motion, I decided to refine my storyboard up with a few changes here and there.

Scene One:
Establishing shot. OrangeB is sleeping. OrangeG is out of focus in the background. She walks towards him and nudges him awake.
Scene Two:
They fall in love.
Scene Three:OrangeB goes to his new found loves house for a surprise visit, he knocks on the door and invites himself in without hearing a reply.
Scene Four:
P.O.V shot - OrangeB sees his love naked with Banana.
Scene Five:
P.O.V shot of OrangeB upset
Scene Six: Long shot of OrangeB leaving her house, upset - looking at the ground the whole time.
Scene Seven:
OrangeB discovers a blender
Scene Eight:
OrangeB contemplates suicide
Scene Nine:
After a short black-out, we are brought to the closing shot of OranngeB committing suicide.

Character Development - Colour Exploration / Emotions

I couldn't really 'explore' much with the colours for my main character.. for obvious reasons, but I thought I'd explore changing the hues, contrast, levels and opacity etc, keeping to the orange end of the hue spectrum.

Some explorations of character emotions: from left to right; Sleepy, Blank, Happy, Sad, Confused, Very upset

Left to Right: ‘LMFAO’, Sick, Very happy, Annoyed, Shocked, Cheeky / Flirty

Character Development

With the previous attempt, I had only taken the first scenes photos, but seeing as I really liked the first scenes shots on my second attempt, I decided to just continue taking the rest of the photos. My total photos were: 229 - which I did not use all of for my stop motion.
These are the developments of my characters face.

Character Concepts

I thought my draft photo turned out alright, but when I started to follow my storyboard from the establishing shot, I found it hard to get the eyes how I wanted them, I thought i'd try out more than just one frame, so I can see how it would work (the animated frames).

Character Concepts

-At this point I decided I wanted to do stop motion.

A photo concept that I printed out. - This is kind of what I want to achieve with my animation, using the method of stop motion.


Suikoden (Game): Star Dragon Sword:

Aladdin (Cartoon): Magic Carpet:

The personalities of my main characters

Stop Motion - Research

Stop-motion (also known as stop-action or frame-by-frame) is an animation technique to make a physically manipulated object appear to move on its own.

I have looked at some stop motion videos to get an idea of how other people have composed them and possibly get some inspiration / ideas from them and perhaps use them in my own animation.

Her Morning Elegance / Oren Lavie
I really like how they've done this, its so quirky and fun, I could use some of it for my own animation.


First storyboard that I've drafted.

Inanimate Objects - Video Research

"The Annoying Orange"

Not only does the video live up to the title of the clip, it looks super creepy as well, I wouldn't want my oranges to look like this.

"Talking Fruit"

I thought this was mildly humorous, I really like the googly eyes, and the animated mouths. I could possibly use this as some inspiration towards my animation.

"Terrified Corn Cobs"

I thought this was alright, didn't really like the way that they put the faces on the corn even though it's pretty much the same as 'The annoying orange' the faces seem to fit better on corn.. it was so ugly it was kind of cute.

Character Concepts

Some concept sketches that I started drawing of my orange, exploring different kinds of eyes, mouths etc

Character Research - Video Game & Movie

I chose to research these particular characters because I can relate to them, I grew up playing the game 'Suikoden' and grew up watching 'Aladdin'.
"Characters are very important in stories. In fact they're vital. They affect the story in every way possible, even if the character isn't living. Non-living objects in stories should be considered characters since they can drive the plot, start or solve a conflict, and can be the focus of a story, just like a living character."

Research - Inanimate objects: Kawaii

I've established that I really like the whole 'cute' kind of look, and while doing more research I found out that it's actually a 'thing' - Kawaii; which literally means 'cute' in Japan. I love how Kawaii is drawn and I would really like to incorporate some of the ideas into my own drawings.

Research - Inanimate objects: Oranges

In one of my previous research explorations, I found a really cute orange and really liked the idea of a simple fruit with a cute face on and making a story / animation from it, so I began looking at other oranges with personalities and faces etc.

Research - Inanimate objects: Food

After researching 'inanimate objects' I decided that I wanted my object to be 'cute food' so I explored some food images with cute faces on them, I quite like the simple kind of cute.

Research - Inanimate objects

Researching all kinds of 'inanimate objects' that I found browsing the web, I really like the 'cute' kind of look.

Human characteristics - Research

After exploring some human characteristics, I chose two to look into further to use in my characters for my animation.

A perfect example of a movie that has love & sadness to the extreme (among other things) is: The Notebook The movie focuses on an old man reading a story to an old woman in a nursing home. The story he reads follows two young lovers named Allie Hamilton and Noah Calhoun, who meet one evening at a carnival. But they are separated by Allie's parents who dissaprove of Noah's unwealthy family, and move Allie away. After waiting for Noah to write her for several years, Allie meets and gets engaged to a handsome young soldier named Lon. Allie, then, with her love for Noah still alive, stops by Noah's 200-year-old home that he restored for her, "to see if he's okay". It is evident that they still have feelings for each other, and Allie has to choose between her fiancé and her first love.

I love how captivating the characters are, and how you become attached to them and the insane love that they have for each other. I want to use this movie as inspiration towards my animation.

Human characteristics - Research

"Part of what it means to be human is how we became human. Over a long period of time, as early humans adapted to a changing world, they evolved certain characteristics that help define our species today."
Looking at some human characteristics, and looking further into a few that I want to personally use in my animation.

Themes / Ideas - Research

Some explorations of potential themes / ideas for my animation

Monday, April 4, 2011