Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Chosen Music

For the establishing scenes I used: Suikoden:"Rock, Rock" which I found playing an old school playstation game. The music that it was originally for was used for a happy village scene - which I thought sounded quite quirky, setting the mood for the girl orange being a little bit cheeky and waking up the boy orange so she could flirt with him. I thought it set the obvious mood quite well.

For the'Next Day' and 'Cheating' scenes I used: Suikoden: "Suspicion" not only does the music suit the scenes the title of the song fits perfectly. I decided have a sharp change over as there was no transition fade in the animation so I wanted there to be none with the audio as well. I initially wanted to carry of 'Rock, Rock" right through till OrangeB got through the door, but decided against it as using 'Suspicion' from the start of the scene, I believe, would build the suspension that 'something' was going to happen.

For the actual knocking I used a small audio clip that I found to put emphasis on the knocking.

For the last senes of the animation, I chose the song: Suikoden: "Reminiscence" which I think sets the mood perfectly. I begin it on the last shot in 'Cheating' as OrangeB's lips quiver as he fights back tears, and use it all the way through till the credits. It was originally used in the game I played for a scene of death which is reflected back onto my animation when OrangeB contemplates / actions suicide.

All the audio that I have used I have extracted from an old school (1998) Playstation game: "Suikoden"

A screenshot of the music that I worked on merging together in Garage Band.

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