Tuesday, April 5, 2011

New Storyboard

After taking all the photos that I thought I needed for the stop motion, I decided to refine my storyboard up with a few changes here and there.

Scene One:
Establishing shot. OrangeB is sleeping. OrangeG is out of focus in the background. She walks towards him and nudges him awake.
Scene Two:
They fall in love.
Scene Three:OrangeB goes to his new found loves house for a surprise visit, he knocks on the door and invites himself in without hearing a reply.
Scene Four:
P.O.V shot - OrangeB sees his love naked with Banana.
Scene Five:
P.O.V shot of OrangeB upset
Scene Six: Long shot of OrangeB leaving her house, upset - looking at the ground the whole time.
Scene Seven:
OrangeB discovers a blender
Scene Eight:
OrangeB contemplates suicide
Scene Nine:
After a short black-out, we are brought to the closing shot of OranngeB committing suicide.

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